From the colophon:
“This book was made at The Press at College, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in the fall of 2016 and in early 2017.
The typeface used in this book is Lirico, designed by Hendrik Weber and published by OurType in 2008. The text was letterpress printed from photopolymer plates. The large numbers and letters on the title page and covers were printed from collagraph blocks. The images were made with a variety of collagraph matrices. The text paper is Rives Lightweight, and the cover stock and endsheets are from the French Paper Company.
Aaron Cohick, Printer of The Press at Colorado College, was the primary editor, designer, and printer. CC students Patrick Lofgren, Amelia Atencio, and Charles Theobald all helped with various parts of design and production.
Further Other Book Works, also located in Colorado Springs, consulted on and led work on the binding. Corie Cole helped with proofreading and day-to-day logistics.
Fifty copies of this book were made. Forty copies, numbered 1 – 40, are for sale. The remaining ten copies, numbered AP 1, AP 2, and so on, were given to the various people who worked on the book.”
Aaron Cohick, February 2017